Time and Temperature in Afghanistan

Task Force Spartan

Found my husband  


My husband woke up me this morning with a phone call from Kuwait...I had the dates all wrong.
We hope he will be in the states on Monday...

I can't find my husband  


Terry is somewhere on his way home for R&R and I have no idea where he is. He assured me he would have access to phones and email, but.....no word yet. I hope that means good news and he is out flying across the world to see us.

New Job for Terry  


Terry is currently moving into his new office at 4-25 FA. He will be the XO (Executive Officer) for the BN (Battalion)about a week after returning from R&R. He is ready for the change and it will be keep him very busy for the remainder of the deployment.

This will be the first time we have been in a BN since around 2000. We are both excited for the change.

Here is the link to the "WOLFPACK" website so you can read about them.

Happy 4th of July  


Today is our third day of not seeing the sun, not that I am complaining much because the moisture and cool temps are great for my grass, but a little bit of sun never hurt anyone. The grass is growing, throw down seeds here, give it a little water and it will grow, just give it some time.

Dylan heads off to boyscout camp tomorrow morning, and is gone a week. He is dreading it a bit, but I am sure once he gets there he will have fun. The day he gets back is the day Terry leaves Afghanistan so we are all looking forward to that.

Lots of people are taveling this weekend to visit family or other exciting destinations (anything other than Drum seems exciting to me) so it makes for a quiet and lonely weekend. It is certainly different when most of your friends husbands are home and yours is deployed...how soon we forget how it feels to have a deployed husband.

The FRG folks sent out a flyer with dates for the redeployment briefings. They will be in October, that feels good to know that when Terry gets back to Afghanistan it will be just a short 5 or so months left to go. Most of which will be filled with school, football, soccer and anticipation of holidays and then redeployment activities.