Time and Temperature in Afghanistan

Task Force Spartan



So my sister said I should just write that we are good, and just don't have anything to write about. I am good and nothing interesting going on...okay I'm done.

School starts day after labor day....Dylan starts football practice tomorrow, Tyler and Jason start soccer practice tomorrow and guess who got coeirced into coaching Jason's team...yes me. It really wasn't fair what they did, Jason was on a wait list, and they called and said if you will coach we will put him on a team...what is a mom to do.

We are down the the last 4 months of the deployment. We will start having redeployment briefs in October, hello only a month away. I am very glad we are so close to getting this year over. It hasn't been that bad...just a few crazy neighbors and no major problems.

I think snakes follow us, as DB found a very small garden snake in the yard a couple of days ago. He was barking longer than usual and when I went out to yell at him I noticed he was all nervous, I walked over to where he was and he was low crawling trying to sniff at it and his back legs were shaking, he was scared to death. I looked and didn't see anything so assumed he was just crazy or a bee had gotten him, so I stepped in the grass by him and a little snake scooted off into my neighbors yard, Dylan and a friend were nice enough to go scare it off under the fence.

Article on 4-25 FA  



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Heart of Soldier Killed in Afghanistan Goes to Family Friend - Heart Disease - FOXNews.com  


Heart of Soldier Killed in Afghanistan Goes to Family Friend - Heart Disease - FOXNews.com

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Happy Birthday Kirk...



TF Spartan Web Documentary

Small Army....  


When Terry is deployed he always runs into people we were stationed with at some point over the last 22 years for him (only 18 for me). While making the trip home for R&R he ran into a Col. Day from out 3-29FA days in Colorado. While making the trip back to Afghanistan he ran into Jason Riley who just arrived in afghanistan with the 82nd. Jason and his wonderful wife Lisa were at NPS with us in California and ILE in Kansas.
Terry also bumped into Robert Hamilton (aka BOB) in Afghanistan, another guy we were stationed with in Colorado.
There is a guy in the unit replacing Terry's that Terry went thru ROTC with, what are the chances of that. He will get Terry's office when he leaves.

I think it is great that he always meets up with someone we used to know. I wished that happened more to me. It does happen though as a friend and her husband from Colorado have moved in around the corner from us.



So R&R was the quickest two weeks yet this year. Terry came home on a Monday, on Tuesday he was hanging pictures and shooting a bow with Dylan. Wednesday we headed down to DC for a couple of days and really the only thing we did there besides swim and eat was to visit the Air and Space Museum located out by Dulles Airport. The museum was incredible and it was in part of the new Transformers movie so the kids were excited to see the same planes as in the movie.
After a painful long drive to Virginia beach that should have taken 3 or 4 hours but took closer to 7 we arrived at our cottage on Fort Story. We had a lovely time hanging out at the beach, swimming at the pool.
One of our favorite activities happened at the beach after sunset. The crabs dig up out of sand and run to the ocean to eat. The boys had a blast chasing them. Lots of folks brought flashlights to do their crab hunting. It was so funny to watch the boys get so excited about finding one and then chasing it down before it went back in a hole or into the ocean. They would catch them in a bucket and then when it was time to go they let them go. The crabs are really fast and a little crabby when you try to grab them, or scoop them into the bucket. No one in our family got pinched but some boys playing with our boys did. Doesn't hurt too much I hear. Another fun thing for the boys was to get a bucket full of sand from the water and dump it out on the dry sand and grab the critters that were running away. Funny little animals that looked like a cross between a crab and shrimp, we called them scrabs. I never got a photo of one.
We drove home by way of the Chesapeake bay bridge and thru Delaware (one state I have never been in). It was a long trip back that we had planned to do in two days, but it was going so well that we drove it all in one.
The rest of R&R was spend doing things around the house. Terry built us a gate in the back yard and we also worked on the garage. I now will have room to park in the garage this winter. We have a huge pile for the next yard sale and anything left after that will be donated to some great organization.
Train at Tysons Corner Center near DC
Beach on Fort Story VA, near Virginia Beach
Jason took this photo, I thought it was pretty good.
Sackets Harbor NY