Time and Temperature in Afghanistan

Task Force Spartan

Looks like we are going.........  


After much anticipation Terry received word yesterday that we are headed to Ft. Drum, New York. Yes you heard me correctly. In the middle of the winter we are moving to Fort Drum. Upstate New York. Home of the 10th Mountain Division. Their motto is "Climb to Glory"

A while back we heard that they needed people at Drum. Terry jokingly said "They need me on that wall". Well I guess they do.

Best of all for me is that one of my great friends here at Leavenworth is also going to Drum. Yea!!!!! We also have good friends at West Point and my brother lives in Manhattan.

P.S. If anyone has any winter gear they are no longer using let me know...

Go Rockies  


Hey all you baseball fans out there. Have you noticed who is in the World Series....not the Yankees, not the Cubs, not the Braves, the Colorado Rockies. My mom was raised in Denver, my father attened two years of high school there and graduated from Colleage there and our longest address since we have been married is in Colorado. So of course we are going to root for the Rockies and it doesn't hurt that our next door neighbors are huge Red Sox fans.

This is the first time the Rockies have made it to the World Series. They won 90 games this year, 21 of the last 22. Sounds impressive huh.

Colorado Rockies Webpage

Wow where did that cold air come from!  


I knew this was going to happen. We are all in la la land enjoying the beautiful weather and then all of a sudden it is 38 degrees at night and everyone is freezing. Infantry Barracks is on a central air and heat system, so when it is time to turn on the hear or air there has to be a consensus among the residents. Our mayor had a meeting the last weekend in September and a handful of residents showed up (I had a PC show in my defense) and they voted for the heat to come on November 1st. Note to next years residents November 1st might be a tad late. Of course housing should be a little bit smarter about the whole thing. When our mayor called them they came to look at the heat and decided they had to order parts. Well..... they could have checked out the system weeks ago and ordered the parts and put them on and then when we said turn on the heat they could turn on the heat. Maybe this is too simplistic and life revolves around controversy.

The power of babies  


Two friends here in Leavenworth just had babies, one boy, one girl. Two other friends are also pregnant. I, with a little help from T (he was in Iraq) decided not to have any more after the last one. But I can honestly say after spending time with all these pregnant people and holding these babies that I would have another one in a heart beat. Babies have a way of stealing our hearts only after moments of meeting them. The are so innocent and pure good that it just melts your heart to look at them. I even find Terry smiling after he sees the little girl next door.

So I guess I will have to keep holding other peoples babies so I never forget what a miracle they are.

My Blog, My Opinions  


The intent of the previous blog was not to hurt or make any one angry. It was my way of dealing with a frustrating event. People deal with their frustration in many ways and I have chosen to use my blog to vent my anxity and frustrations.

These are my opinions and only my opinions.

So if I hurt someone's feelings I appologize, that was not my intent and I am sorry.

Space issues!!!!!!  


As most of you know Infantry Barracks is comprised of 12 Apartment buildings with about 8 apartments in each building. Maybe 5 have fenced in yards. So in my opinion there are no "my yard" in Infantry Barracks. So I was quite shocked when someone told my son to get out of their yard. And to hurry up about it. From my son's side he and his friends were just playing with the dog not bothering anyone. So if someone would be so kind to put up those invisible fences so I can tell my children where they can play and where they can't play I would bo so very grateful.....



I haven't posted a picture of my adorable kids in such a long time, so here are some soccer photos.

Terry's birthday was yesterday, 41 wow!!! He ended up having the day off and we had to take Dylan to the dentist. I made him his birthday Cherry pie and we went to a local place to eat. It was a good dinner and kids were actually quite good.

Happy birthday to all those birthday's we forgot about.



Okay, time to complain about the dentist. As you probably read in an earlier post I took the kids to the dentist. Dylan has had sealants on his teeth since he was 4 or 5. He had gone to the dentist at least once a year since then, usually twice. Yesterday he went in to get a baby tooth pulled and 3 suspicious molars looked at, all of which had sealants on them. They deaden the area around the tooth to be pulled then he starts drilling on the molars to get the sealants off and to check out the dark spots underneath them. Each tooth had a tiny cavity (so tiny he didn't have to deaden the tooth to fix it) cavity. Well so if it is so tiny it shouldn't cost much to fix. Each cavity was $131. Insurance paid $84 of that, I pay the rest. Okay here is my complaint besides the cost. If cavities can form under sealants, then why put on sealants. The Dentist said it depends on the skill of the dentist putting them on, the cooperation of the child (my kids are a dream come true on the dentist chair) and if the child eats ice or hard candy often (Dylan happens to be my only child that doesn't eat ice or hard candy). In my eyes there is no hope for us when it comes to teeth.