Time and Temperature in Afghanistan

Task Force Spartan

Photos from Afghanistan  


More news stories from Emeded Reporter in Afghanistan  


Here is a link to more stories from the Reporter that was embeded with 3 BCT (aka Task Force Spartans) or if you ever hear 10th Mountain Division in Afghanistan that is them. From what I understand from reading the email the first 3 stories about about them.

Fred Baker embeded in Afghanistan

Here's to a wonderful 18 years  


Wow what a journey it has been, living in 9 different states and in Germany. 3 kids, 4 cats, 2 birds, 2 dogs, 1 turtle, 1 frog, 1 or 2 fish. It really has been a wonderful 18 years, we have had bumps, walls, deployments and have come thru stronger and more committed. Thank you Terry for making me laugh, smile and holding me when I cry...but most of all thank you for picking me.

Happy Anniversary

They are moving the fence...  


Best picture ever...they are starting to move the fence in preparation to start releasing the houses...Whoo Hoo....hooah...Yea...it can't be too long now can it? This isn't the best picture...but to the left of the gate there used to be a fence...it is now along the houses to the right.

Surprise VTC with Terry  


Tonight we had a FRG meeting. (Family Readiness Group) I thought we were just going to make DVD's to send to the guys. Tyler and Jason did. But when we got there they had a big TV set up and I found out that some people were doing VTCs. I guess it was up to the soldier. It was 4:00 in the morning there. They did get Terry up and the boys were able to see and talk to him. It is hard as you are trying to get them to talk about stuff, but I know seeing him had to make them feel good. Even Dylan said it was a "Good Time". He looks good and was very happy to see the boys.

I am Blessed!

What's new  


I had a birthday....I am now 42, holy cow I remember when that was old, I am not old...

Terry, the boys and my Drum friends made the day special. I had mentioned to Terry that I saw a purse at the px that I liked, even took a picture with my phone and sent it to him (don't you just love technology) and he was able to call the px here at Drum from Afghanistan and buy the purse, then he told Dylan how to go get it. Wasn't that nice!!!

The boys made a cake and decorated it. I think they did a great job. They also bought me earrings that I had been eyeing at the Gift Shop where I volunteer.

A few of my friends decided to take me out to Texas Roadhouse the evening of my birthday and as always it was filled with fun and laughter.

I feel so blessed and never once felt sorry for myself the whole day that Terry wasn't here.

Lots of activities over the next couple of weeks, but most importantly Tyler makes his 1st Communion on May 2nd. My parents are coming on Wednesday and staying a couple of weeks. In a perfect world I would have moved and they would be helping me unpack, but we all know I don't live in a perfect world.

We will hit the 4 month mark this next week for Terry being gone...good that means only around 8 to go...

10th Mtn Division is coming back over the next month from Iraq, and of course I have mixed feelings as Terry did deploy with them last May. I am thrilled for the families as their "year" is over, I am just saddened realizing we are only a quarter of the way thru ours...that is how it is here, someone is always leaving and someone is always coming home.

Three generations on the Burns Ranch  


Jimmy (my oldest brother), Robert (my father), and Kirk

I don't know what to write about this picture that won't be incredibly sad...Kirk someday would have been in charge of the "Burns Ranch". If you ask Derek about it he says there were three chiefs (my brother, Daddy and Kirk) and one Indian (Derek). Kirk wasn't a straight A student in school, but he could tell you anything about land, cows and ranching in general.

Happy Easter  


I hope everyone has a very Happy Easter!

Someone in Afghanistan loves me!!!  


I saw Terry today on a VTC  


Today Col Haight had a VTC (Video Tele Conference) with all the spouses here at Drum. We were able to ask questions. I honestly can't tell you what he said for the most part. He did say that all the soldiers in 3 BCT were doing an outstanding job. He was honest in saying that it wasn't fun, it isn't easy and they would much rather be home with family. One more thing that he did say was that the MRAP vehicle that you probably have heard about, is worth every dime that it costs...they have had several of those involved in incidents where the vehicle was basically destroyed and the people inside walked away. If you ever have a chance to tell people about it please do...it is saving lives.

How it worked was there was a camera (probably on a laptop) pointed at Col Haight, CSM Byers and Col Peterson. On their laptop they could see the microphones where we could ask questions...eventually they started using a camera to pan out over the spouses that were present.

I asked Col Haight about Family VTC, which he had sort of covered before but he had the tech guy explain a little about how they were going to set it up so that families could get 15 minutes to talk to their spouse. It will be a few more months. I then told Col Haight and Col Peterson to tell my husband the next time they saw him that I loved and missed him. After the tech guy explained the process, Col Haight sent him to find Terry and brought him in, he had been working out so he was in his PT clothes...I of course started crying and I am not sure I even said anything to Terry....but it was great to see him and made me miss him all the more. It has been a little over 14 weeks since he left and this is the first time I have seen him other than in pictures...what a difference that makes...

So today I am on cloud nine!


Housing and stuff  


On Thursday I decided it was time for my monthly check in with housing. No new news...May. They have no news from contractor which houses will be released, or how many or when. A few facts I did find out. They will release them without the back yard fences up....I guess the fencing company has to finish any they didn't complete last fall before the freeze. I don't even know how long it won't have a fence. This is bad news for me since we have DB trained to just let outside and be happy here on the farm. I am almost hoping it is in May due to that inconvenience...
They also will not spray the grass seed down till after Memorial day...due to it could frost or freeze again. Gotta love Upstate NY. So not only will they not have a fenced back yard, but it will be dirt/mud. GREAT!! Dang am I complaining.....Nah...just expressing some concerns.

In other great news we have a couple of inches of snow on the ground...it has been blowing and snowing all day...had it been colder we would probably have several more inches on the ground instead of the 1 or 2 that we do have.

My Tahoe let me down again today...stopped at the commissary with the kids, Dylan stayed in the car while the rest of us ran in for a few things. When I tried to start it NOTHING happened. Thank goodness a friends husband is home and he was able to come jump it. And like that isn't good enough for a deployment story our other vehicle Terry's Toyota pickup had a bit of a problem this week also. Tuesday before Yoga I went to dump a couple of bags of trash in a dumpster and when I went to move it over to the gym it wouldn't shift out of park...WHAT the heck is going on. Had to have it towed to the dealership where they discovered the after market hitch wiring had gone bad causing my brake lights to go out. Vehicle will not shift out of park when your brake lights don't work. So having one car go bad is bad but having them both go bad in the same week just sucks..

How many months are we into this deployment?

Task Force Spartan on YouTube  


The Army seems to really be trying to get out this info on what the troops are doing while deployed so that America really knows what is going on...it is one sided, you won't see anything bad on here only the good. This will be updated often so click play each time you visit my site if you would like to see new video..hopfully you will get the updated version.