Time and Temperature in Afghanistan

Task Force Spartan

Moving drama  


Sometimes I think I have the worse luck...

On Monday May 11 I got to tour the house, got a crazy lady from the community center who basically ran thru the house turning light switches on and off (like I couldn't figure out where the lights are). At the end of the tour she starts asking me if I am going to take it or I have 24 hours to decide and how am I going to pay for the prorated rent.. Not often am I imitated by people but that day I was nervous and after all this time scared not to just take it...for many reasons. Bad choice!

Went to transportation after signing my life away, and was told they couldn't even meet with me till Wednesday...so two days of paying rent and I don't have moving dates...then I find out from a new neighbor that the construction company is planning to repave the one and only street into the neighborhood on the next Monday and Tuesday. So I can't move in either one of those days...now we are on a week of paying double rent. So I scheduled my move in date for Wednesday the 20th. All goes well, as far as the move except I know have a garage full of stuff I don't' want (just been moving it from house to house) and no fence for the dog. Monday morning while the packers are at the house I find out the paving has been delay till late summer due to supply issues.

All along I had been questioning housing on the fence...how long, when will it be up...

On Thursday I ask one of the guys working on the fences in the houses before mine when he is doing mine...go talk to the boss...okay...Mr. Boss man says there is a problem and starting with my house they can not go any further till a drainage pipe is fixed...a problem they found when they started the construction...so maybe in a couple of weeks. I email housing a nice note saying why wasn't I told of this...housing comes back with they didn't know there was a problem. So she has a meeting with the head of construction who says "yes there is a problem, didn't we tell you?" She says the drop dead date for us getting a yard is mid June...I am not happy at all since that is a question I asked a million times and I guess no one actually asked construction. Now that is customer service for you.

So the boys are having a blast with the dirt in the back yard and DB hates his kennel.

My other complaint is about the packers, they took the toys out of every container and dumped them in one box and then packed the containers empty...so every toy is in one big pile...like I have time to sit with the boys and sort 4 boxes of toys...

Some day we will have a house without boxes, but not very soon...and I may go crazy before then.

This entry was posted on Monday, May 25, 2009 . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) .


First. YEA on the house. Finally! Second. That sucks. I would have been soooo mad. I hope you love your house and new neighbors.

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