Time and Temperature in Afghanistan

Task Force Spartan

Always waiting  


It seems like for the past few years all I have been doing is waiting, waiting for the next assignment, waiting for housing, waiting for deployments, waiting for deployments to be over and so on. I think I forgot to live while I was waiting. I am sure that is adding to my frustration and anxiety.

DB had to make a trip to the vet for a rash on his neck that was infected. While there they wanted to do a heart worm test. Sure. This test finds many things besides just heart worms. He doesn't have heart worms but he does have a mild case of Lyme disease. He is on a round of medicine for that. I guess Lyme disease is very common here. Great!!!

Jason is still loving summer kindergarten. He loves being a big boy riding the bus and seems to enjoy being at school. This certainly makes me feel better about sending him in the fall.

I ran into a friend at the commissary and she was telling me that her daughter who is a little over one, maybe close to 18 months, refuses to eat anything that isn't homemade. She said that while they were in Leavenworth she decided since she had time to make all her baby food. She was laughing about how hard it made things now. She won't eat pizza, or McDonald's and she was excited she got a bite of hot dog down her the other day. The mother is kicking herself now, I said wait till she has another couple of kids....

Someone told me it doesn't start getting cold here till October, yea we have two more months before I wonder why on earth anyone would live here. There are some military here for the second time. I told Terry I really didn't need to come back ever again, of course saying that he will get his Battalion command here.

Oh and did I mention that lots of people have told me that last winter was mild and that we didn't get very much snow at all.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, July 22, 2008 . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) .


It could be worse--we had a low of 35 last night! The repairman told me they haven't had a "bad winter" for 10-15 yrs and he thinks this is the year for it. Last winter it was in the -30s. That wasn't bad??

WHAT!!! I thought we were in global warming.... If you get too cold, come down here with Angie and I. This will seem like Cancun to you guys.

Ya'll can come on down to Texas - you'll roast your ass off! 100's for the next couple of days. Wa - frickin'- hooo. More time with my kids INDOORS.

Give me the cold weather!!!!!

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