Time and Temperature in Afghanistan

Task Force Spartan

Time flies....  


Just occured to me today that a year ago today we moved into this house...it was cold, rainy and the heat didn't work all weekend. We had spent the prior 3 weeks in various places finally at an Apartment I wouldn't wish on anyone. And no house on post any time soon. (Most likely March/April time frame.)

This last week was very crazy...Monday our first day back after Christmas started off well for the boys with a two hour delay for school, Tuesday was Tyler's birthday and we all enjoyed our family party. Wednesday school was cancelled and I hurt my back and couldn't stand up straight for the rest of the day, thank goodness Dylan was around to help out. Thursday was another two hour delay for school, but they did go and I did make it to get my hair cut and colored, it looks much better. Friday we had dinner at a friends house with 4 other families for a total of 18 kids ranging in age from 14 to 10 months. Saturday was Tyler's friend party at a place called Velocity in Watertown, where the kids played on huge bouncy houses and played laser tag and ate tasty pizza and cake. Great day.

My favorite Dog in the world (DB) learned a new trick...or maybe I should say he forgot a trick. Friday morning after Dylan left, but before Jason and Tyler left for school he went down in the basement for some reason. I heard him whimpering, but thought him and a cat might be having a standoff...finally I look down there and he has his stuffed pheasant in his mouth looking up at me...okay no cat in the way, just come on up. I wasn't worried to much and the kids tried to bribe him with treats and such, no luck. I got them on the bus, opened and closed the door a few times (he loves to go outside with me) no luck. I went down and tried to have him walk up with me, no luck. Went and got a hamburger out of the fridge...gave him a bite put another bite a few stairs up and more a few more stairs up...NO LUCK. I got his leash and tried to force him up, NO LUCK. I finally had to get behind him and put his paws on the 2nd step and lift his bottom on the bottom step and move his paws to the next step and lift his bottom to the next step...and so forth all the way up. He has been up and down those stairs a million times in the past year, and has never had a problem. He goes upstairs to the bedrooms all the time. I don't know why he has decided the basement stairs are scary... Love my 80lb brave dog.
And wouldn't you know he went downstairs twice on Saturday and Dylan and I had to bring him up the same way both times...Door is now shut...but it is only a matter of time till someone leaves it open.

So life is going well we have a house over our heads, kids are thriving at school. Terry made it to his final destination.

This entry was posted on Sunday, January 11, 2009 . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) .


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