Time and Temperature in Afghanistan

Task Force Spartan

Could the snow season really be over?  


As soon as I type this we will get a lake effect snow and get another foot...I was looking at the 15 day forecast, the lowest we are suppose to get for the daily high is somewhere in the 30's with the majority of days being over 40. I am sure we still have plenty of nasty weather...rain, sleet, and so forth...but I am thrilled that just maybe we won't see another big snow this season.

The main reason I don't want another big snow is that it has to melt...and I have been blessed by God during this warm up period that alot of snow has melted and my basement hasn't flooded yet. It is melting just slow and steady enough to not saturate the ground just yet, and really I just have a couple of huge piles of snow around the house that would be a problem right now. The area around me is still 80% covered by snow, Fort Drum and Watertown have very little snow left. I guess we haven't gotten as warm, or haven't gotten as much of the rain that they have.

I have taken on two more little activities, I am going to be the treasurer for the Afghanistan project that 3 BCT is heading up. It is called Operation Education for Afghanistan. We will be collecting school supplies to send over to the schools in Afghanistan. If I can ever figure out how to put the flyer on my blog I will, otherwise I will email it out. It is a great project for Churches and Schools to undertake because it will directly benefit the Afghanistan people. And to be honest...the most effective way to participate will be to collect money and send us (the organization) a check so that we can buy the supplies (without shipping) and send them to the unit to distribute. We have a very specific list of supplies we are collecting so don't just send anything...again I will work at getting the flyer on by blog or email it out.

I am also going to keep the books for the gift shop where I currently Volunteer. We are a non profit business and all our profits go to the 10th Mountain Association. Most of the people that work at the shop do it on a volunteer basis.

Terry is staying busy, I haven't heard from him much in the past few days due to a big brief that they are preparing for. A friend once said we are trying to win the war on terror one slide at a time... You would not believe the time and effort that goes into preparing for a brief of a General. Many many hours are spent preparing slides, and usually they have to be redone many many times.

I told the housing lady I would leave her alone till April....do you think I can? I am still holding out hope that they might get some of the houses done early....we are having awfully good weather.

I am going quite regularly to a yoga class on post...we'll see if I reap any benefits.

This entry was posted on Thursday, March 12, 2009 . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) .


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